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Cookies policy.

Cookies Policy

According to current regulations, Hotelanza Inversiones SL provides users information on the cookies we use and the reason for its use in https://www.flamingolanzarote.net/ from the company Hotelanza Inversiones SL  portals and different domain extensions  (hereinafter referred to as Hotelanza Inversiones ) and request consent to use them..

Hotelanza Inversiones SL   like most Web sites, uses cookies to improve and optimize the user experience. You will find detailed information about what you are "Cookies " , which uses typology Hotelanza Inversiones SL   how you can disable them in your browser and how to specifically block the placing of cookies by third parties.

What are Cookies and how do you use Hotelanza Inversiones SL  ?

Cookies are small files that your web site or application you use on your browser or installed on your device (smartphone , tablet or connected TV ) during your journey through the pages or by the application, and are used to store information about your visit. Like most Web sites, Hotelanza Inversiones SL   uses cookies to :

Ensure that web pages can run correctly

Store your preferences , such as language or that you have selected the font size .

Meet the browsing experience .

Compile anonymous statistical information, such as which pages the user has seen or how long it has been in our media.

Hotelanza Inversiones SL ,  uses cookies to function , adapt and facilitate navigation of the User.

Cookies are only associated with an anonymous user and your computer / device and not provide references that reveal personal data. At all times you can access the settings of your browser to modify and / or block the installation of the cookies sent by Hotelanza Inversiones SL  without preventing access to the contents. However, the quality of performance of the Services may be affected.

Why are they important?

From a technical point of view , allow websites work more agile and tailored to the preferences of users , such as storing the language, currency or detect access device.

Establish levels of protection and security that prevent or hinder cyber attacks Hotelanza Inversiones SL  or its Users .

Allow media managers can learn statistical data collected in cookies to improve the quality and experience of their services.

They can be used to optimize the advertising we display on the Website and to personalize the advertising according to the browsing habits of users.

What are the different types of Cookies that uses Hotelanza Inversiones SL ?

The session cookies expire when the user leaves the page or closes the browser, that is, are active for the duration of the visit to Hotelanza Inversiones SL  and therefore are deleted from your computer to leave.

Persistent Cookies are a type of cookies in which the data are stored in the terminal and can be accessed and treated for a defined by the head of the cookie and can range from a few minutes to several year period.

Furthermore, depending on who is the entity operating the computer or domain from which cookies are sent and treat the data obtained , we can distinguish between own and third party Cookies.

Cookies themselves are those cookies that are sent to your computer and run exclusively by Hotelanza Inversiones SL for the better functioning of our website . The information we collect is used to improve the quality of our service.

If you interact with the content Hotelanza Inversiones SL   Ltd. Third party cookies may also be established (eg , pressing buttons social networking or viewing videos hosted on another website) , which are those set by a different domain Hotelanza Inversiones SL . Records made on social networks and cookies associated with them , are subject to their cookies policy .

Browsing Hotelanza Inversiones SL ,  assumes they can install the following types of third party cookies

 How I can configure my Cookies?

Continue to browse and Hotelanza Inversiones SL  are consenting to the use of cookies on the conditions contained in this Policy Cookies. Hotelanza Inversiones SL  provides access to this Cookies Policy in order that the user is informed , and notwithstanding that it can exercise its right to block , delete, and refuse the use of cookies at any time .

In any case we inform you that can block or disable activating the setting on your browser which allows you to refuse the setting of all cookies or some of them. Most browsers allow practice warn of the presence of cookies or automatically reject them. If you decline may continue to use, although the use of some services may be limited and therefore experience less satisfying our our Portal Portal .

Here we indicate the links of the main browsers and devices so you have all the information to see how to manage cookies in your browser.

 Internet Explorer ™ :

version 6


Version 7 and 8


Version 9


Safari ™ :


Google Chrome ™ :


Mozilla Firefox ™ :


The user can withdraw consent for the use of cookies (opt -out ) , in your browser, through the configuration options that browsers available to them for this purpose.

We update our Cookies Policy?

Hotelanza Inversiones SL  may modify this Policy Cookies based on new laws, regulations , or in order to adapt the policy to the instructions issued by the Spanish Data Protection Agency legislative requirements .

Therefore, we may update the Policy Cookies from our Site, recommending review this policy occasionally accessing Hotelanza Inversiones SL , in order to be properly informed about how and why we use cookies.

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