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Regulations for access and prevention measures for COVID-19

In order to preserve the low epidemiological incidence in the Canary Islands and guarantee the sustainability of tourist activity, the Government of the Canary Islands establishes the following regulations for access and accommodation in tourist establishments.

  1. It is essential to present in this establishment a Certificate that demonstrates the completion of a diagnostic test for active infection by COVID-19 with a negative result.
  2. The test must have been carried out within 72 hours prior to arrival in the Canary Islands and be approved by the health authorities of your country or the European Union.
  3. The certificate is mandatory for people over 6 years old who want to stay in any tourist accommodation in the Canary Islands.
  4. The certificate can be presented in digital or paper format.
  5. The certificate must contain the date and time of the test, the identity data of the person, the authorized center responsible for the verification and the negative result.
  6. The certificate will not be required from travelers who prove (with their travel document) that they have been in the Canary Islands for 15 days, nor from Canarian residents who declare that they have not left the archipelago in the 15 days prior to arrival at the establishment. Both residents and visitors may not have presented symptoms compatible with COVID-19 in both periods.
  7. It is mandatory to download and keep active during your stay on the islands, as well as the 15 days immediately after your return to your place of origin, the RADAR COVID infection alert mobile application.

ANDROID: https://bit.ly/3llNauh
IOS: https://apple.co/3eQsUOZ


In compliance with the regulations established by the Spanish Government, we have developed and implemented our "Health & Safety" guide and suggestions, which include the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) regarding the prevention of the spread of COVID-19.

The following are the measures we have implemented to maintain the highest standard of sanitary security in our establishment.

Isolated reception service, we will serve our guests through the window.

Guests coming to reception must wear a mask at all times.

Temperature control for our guests at Check-IN

Free disposal of hand sanitizer in common spaces.

Floor marks and signs to maintain social distance.

Limitation and reduction of capacity in common areas

Cleaning and disinfection of textiles with high temperature steam.

In the solarium the hammocks have been located in pairs and 2 meters apart.

All the keys to the apartments are disinfected before use.

All team members will wear protective gear, masks and / or face covers as recommended.

Health and Safety Committee and training in health security for our team.

We increase the frequency of cleaning in common areas. Every 2 hours our staff cleans and disinfects the contact surfaces in common spaces.

Every day our team will undergo temperature controls.

In order for you to enjoy your stay in complete safety and tranquility, always respect the instructions of our team and practice these actions.

Wash your hands with soap and water frequently.

Keep a distance of 1.5 meters with other people, if you can not do it wear a mask.

We recommend the use of masks in common spaces, when you cannot maintain a distance of 1.5 meters with other people.

When you cough or sneeze, cover your nose and mouth with your elbow flexed or with a tissue.

Do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth.

To minimize contact, avoid paying with coins and bills.

If you have a fever, cough, and shortness of breath, seek medical attention.

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